Who is Cary Supalo?

Dr. Cary Supalo completed his Ph.D. in Chemistry from the Pennsylvania State University in 2010. He, being totally blind since age of seven, founded Independence Science in 2009 to serve as a vehicle of change for students who are blind in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields of study. Dr. Supalo encountered many barriers to access along his path to becoming a chemistry professor and access technology innovator.
His love for science and his contagious passion for science access is seen by all who he interacts with. Dr. Supalo has mentored and guided many students, sighted and blind alike, to help explore their STEM career interests. Independence Science leverages Dr. Supalo’ network of connections both in the science education, and in the STEM educational technology industries along with his deep connections with the blind community. In the end, Dr. Supalo has created a synergy of momentum that is shifting the societal paradigm of science education for students who are blind to have hands-on science learning experiences. Dr. Supalo feels very strongly that students learn by doing and this has also been found to be verified through his formal research studies for students who are blind. The science access tools that he has developed and innovated through Independence Science are helping to empower students who are blind or have low vision around the world to be more engaged in a hands-on way to seek out more fulfilling hands-on science learning experiences. Independence Science now leverages an entire team of blind and otherwise disabled scientists who are sharing their many years of experience and expertise to further open doors of opportunity for students with disabilities in the STEM professions.
Dr. Supalo’s Dissertation:
“Teaching Chemistry and Other Sciences to Blind and Low-Vision Students through Hands-On Learning Experiences in High School Science Laboratories”
To Access the dissertation for purchase from ProQuest, click here [link]
His M.S. in Chemistry with an emphasis in catalysis, 2005, Pennsylvania State University. Thesis: “Cerium Zirconium Lanthanum Dioxide Catalyst Supports Impregnated with Platinum/Palladium for the Methanol Steam Reforming Reaction”