
Photograph of a blind student using Sci-Voice Talking LoggerPro running on a PC computer interfaced with the Scout Pro Balance to measure the mass of a salt sample.


Independence Science was founded in 2009 by blind chemist Dr. Cary Supalo. Dr. Supalo witnessed, first-hand, the difficulties of the STEM field as a blind student and created independence science to promote STEM equity and inclusion for the blind and low vision community. Click here for more information about Dr. Supalo.

We are a STEM consulting and access technology company. We specialize in the development of text-to-speech enabled scientific data collection interfaces to empower print-disabled students to have more hands-on quantifiable learning experiences individually or as part of laboratory teams in science laboratory learning environments. Click here for more information about our consulting services.

Hands on science labratory learning for the blind has been made possible through our strong collaboration with Vernier Science Education who, since 1981, has promoted computer assisted scientific data collection in the science laboratory classroom. This transformative partnership is helping to change the landscape of science access for blind students. Independence Science actively seeks research and development collaborations with entities interested in opening the doors of opportunities for the blind in Science, math, engineering and technology.

We maintain a team of disabled scientists who provide multiple viewpoints in key aspects of our product development efforts. To learn more about our team, click here.

Since 2009, Independence Science has supported community outreach that promotes the inclusion of blind students in hands-on science learning experiences. Our flagship outreach event is the ISLAND conference on STEM and disability or Inclusion in Science Learning a New Direction Conference on STEM and disability. Click here for more information or to register for the annual ISLAND conference.

 In The News

2023 May | Purdue University Research Foundation News | Independence Science and ViewPlus Technologies partner to create science access tools for students who experience blindness or low vision

2022 March | Star City News | West Lafayette Company Receives Grant to Create Inclusive Lab Tech

2021 October | KSL.com | Blind students use adaptive technologies to participate in a chemistry experiment

2021 July | Purdue University Research Foundation News | Independence Science Receives Award from National Federation of the Blind for Making Science More Accessible

2021 May | Chemical and Engineering News | Protein models are literally on the tips of students’ tongues

2021 May | Inside Science | Candies Could Help Students Learn Chemistry by Sensing the Shape of Molecules with Their Mouth

2021 January [Braille Monitor] Remote Science Learning Advancements for the Blind by Ashley Neybert

2020 December | Purdue University Research Foundation News | Technologies Offer Hands-On Science Options for Blind Students During Remote Learning

2020 August | Purdue University Research Foundation News | Blind 9/11 Survivor Joins Independence Science to Help Blind Students Access Science Amid Pandemic

2016 December | Purdue University Research Foundation News | Independence Science announces new device for visually impaired students

2014 February | IndyStar | Blind Purdue Grad Works to Make Science More Accessible

2010 September Penn State Alumnus at White House

2010 September | Purdue Research Park | Purdue Alumnus to Demonstrate his Company’s Products at White House

2010 February Scientific contributions

2010 February Event to Highlight Disabilities

2009 December | Purdue Research Park | Company Receives Grant From NSF to Develop Audio-Based Software that Will Help Blind Students Learn

2009 October |Purdue| New Consulting Company Press Release

2009 October |Purdue | Company makes science more accessible